Fall events / classes schedule

Fundraiser for the NYC Barber Shop Museum

Fundraiser for the NYC Barber Shop Museum


Dear Loyal customers and barbers from all over the world,

It has been such a pleasure to express the beauty of barbering through the creation of the NYC Barbershop Museum as well as many of our companies assets. I, Arthur Rubinoff, a 4th generation barber have pushed above and beyond to keep this industry alive for many years in the most modern way possible. Before this forward message, I would like to greatly covey a big thank you to each and every single individual for their appreciation towards this project and how we will definitely strive to keep barbering alive! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NYC BARBERSHOP MUSEUM has experienced many setbacks as well as financial hardships leading to difficulties in maintaining our creation. We would greatly appreciate the help of our supporters at this unmanageable time with any sort of donation you can kindly give! At one point in history, the barbering industry was almost lost and we believe that it is our fate to keep the tradition going!


Arthur Rubinoff


NYC Barber Shop Museum is an official 501c3 Non-Profit Organization and all the proceeds conceder as a donation.

NYC Barber Shop Museum founder Arthur Rubinoff

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