NYC Barber On Wheels
Fully equipped and licensed and working mobile Barbershop.
NYC Barber On Wheels @nycbarberonwheels created by Arthur Rubinoff @arthurrubinoff , CEO at @reamirnyc Barber Shops and Men's Grooming Product Line serving NYC since 1991. Founder of @nycbarbermuseum 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, and educational platform.
For detailed information and orders, please contact:
One of the greatest Arthur Rubinoff's dream as a social activist and philanthropist was to bring services of his trade to people who are desperate in it but has no ability to travel to a barbershop: people in hospitals for a long time and senior citizens homes. This venture has been presented recently and featured in Fox5 already - NYC Barber On Wheels. To involve more barbers in this social work more barbershops on wheels are being built right now.